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  • If you get your eyebrows waxed or shaped on tinted, please do no later than three days before your appointment.

  • Avoid tanning or sun exposure for two weeks before and after your appointment.

  • Do not come to your appointment with sunburn or skin flaking on forehead or around eyebrow area. if this occurs, please contact your artist 48 hours prior to your appointment to reschedule.

  • Do not take antibiotics during time of procedure. If needed contact your artist 48 hours prior to your appointment to reschedule. 

  • All facial and laser treatments must be done 2 weeks prior or after appointment.

  • Any cosmetic surgery done near the area being tattooed needs to be fully healed before er can treat.

  • Botox can be done any time after the brow session, but no less than 10 days before.

  • Must stop using retinol on the forehead 4-6 weeks prior to appointment.

  • Avoid alcohol, ibuprofen, or any medication that thins the blood 24 hours prior to your appointment (unless prescribed by a doctor).


  • Do not use and cleansing products or skincare on the forehead with any exfoliants of any kind. Do not use anything that lightens, brightens or exfoliates the skin on the forehead for 10-14 days. Please keep showers short, sweet, and NOT hot and steamy. We recommend taking baths, but if you prefer showers, shower as if you just got your makeup professionally done and you don’t want to mess it up! Please make sure the treated area is dry once you get out of the shower. No massages or facials until after the peeling is complete.

  • Use sterile dressings when necessary. 

  • Avoid sweating such as from vigorous exercise for 10-14 days.

  • Keep your hands clean and avoid touching the affected area.

  • There will be some shedding to the skin which will make it appear that the brows are peeling off, do not worry, this is normal. It’s normal for the skin to be a little flaky and dry for a couple of weeks after. DO NOT PICK AND LET SKIN HEAL NATURALLY. Some areas will fade more than others

  • Do not apply makeup, face cleansers, peroxide, alcohol or Neosporin on treated areas.

  • Do not expose area to direct sun or to tanning beds for at least 4 weeks. Recommended to not have direct sun exposure for at least 4 weeks



  • If you've ever experienced coldsores, Begin your Anti-Viral medication 2 days prior to procedure. This might not prevent an outbreak, but make it heal quicker. Outbreaks can cause loss of pigment and scarring if not properly cared for.

  • Start prepping lips 3 days before your appointment with lip scrub. You'll do this once a day leading up to your appointment followed up by moisturizing. Your lips must be free of any dead skin. We have an amazing option for this in studio for purchase.

  • No alcohol, caffeine or stimulants 48 hours before procedure.

  • No sunburn or excessive tanning for two weeks before or after the procedure.

  • Do not take any blood thinning medications (unless prescribed by a doctor for medial reasons) one week before your appointment. (aka: Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E, Fish Oil, Ibuprofen, etc) This can cause bruising around the treatment area.

  • Discontinue Retin-A, and Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) at least 2 weeks prior

  • Must wait a minimum 8 weeks after lip fillers to get lip blushing, but you can get your lips filled 4-6 weeks after the lip tattoo.

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